3rd JohQn Farmacy
"The Affordable-Green Healthcare Plan"

Lets make it very clear, pharmaceutical companies wants life-long customers. Without customers they cannot survive. They do not want cures they only want to give you something to sustain you. The drug industry knows if they convince you, as the consumers, into believing a pill can make you feel better then they know they have a customer for life. How do you suppose how they do the convincing, through your PCP. Not saying that they all are, but there are some doctors that are in the bed with the pharmaceutical companies.
Prescription drug almost always have side effects which usually lead to more prescription drugs. This is a web you do not want to get caught in. I'm not saying go through your medicine cabinet and throw away all your pills. But what I am saying is take control of your health, get to know your body. Do your own research, get a second or a third opinion. You can say no to certain procedures and drugs. You can also request for certain procedures (blood test, ultrasound, exrays etc...). You can also ask for an alternative way. Everything does not requires a pill or an operation. A lot of our health problems could be fix with life style changes.
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